Research Papers

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Understanding PRF (Editor Dr. Richard J Miron DDS/PhD).

PRF in Facial Esthetics (Editors Dr. Cathrine Davies MD, and Dr. Richard J Miron DDS/PhD).

Advantages of Horizontal Centrifugation over Fixed-Angle Centrifugation

Horizontal Centrifugations leads up to a 4 fold increase in platelet and leukocyte yield when compared to L-PRF and A-PRF fixed-angle protocols.

Histological evidence that fixed-angle centrifugation leads to cell accumulation along the distal back surface of PRF tubes whereas horizontal centrifugation leads to more even distribution of cells.

Further evidence that fixed-angle centrifugation leads to uneven cell accumulation along the distal back surface of PRF tubes.

Evaluation of 24 different protocols for the optimization of PRF via horizontal centrifugation.

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Improved growth factor release and cellular bioactivity of PRF produced via horizontal.

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PRF Tube Contamination with Silica/Silicone Microparticles

Evidence for Contamination of Silica Microparticles in A-PRF Matrices Prepared Using Silica-Coated Plastic Tubes.

Acute cytotoxic effects of silica microparticles used for coating of plastic PRF tubes on human cells.

Silica/Silicone Tubes demonstrate a 200% reduction in PRF membrane size when compared to hydrophilic chemical-free glass tubes.

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Concentration-PRF (C-PRF) and Extended-PRF (e-PRF/Alb-PRF)

Concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) leads to a 10 fold increase in accumulation of platelets and leukocytes when compared to standard injectable-PRF (i-PRF).

Concentrated-PRF (C-PRF) markedly increases growth factor release and cellular activity when compared to standard injectable-PRF (i-PRF).

Biological characterization of an albumin gel mixed with liquid C-PRF (Alb-PRF).

In vivo study demonstrating the drastic extended resorption properties of Alb-PRF when compared to liquid PRF and standard PRF membranes.

Pre-Clinical Research

Research demonstrating blood draws should be performed within 90 seconds. Effect of patient age and gender on size of PRF-outcomes.

PRF improves skin fibroblast for facial esthetics procedures.

PRF improves dental pulp cells and lowers inflammation of the pulp cells cultured with LPS.

Data demonstrating liquid-PRF is superior to PRP on cellular activity.

Use of liquid-PRF as a drug-delivery system.

PRF has anti-inflammatory properties on human macrophages and dendritic cells.

Anti-inflammatory response on PRF in microphages.

PRF induce stem cells recruitment and activity.

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Issues relating to the report of g-forces in Leukocyte and Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF).

Standardization of PRF for scientific purposes. Consensus Miron, Pinto, Quirynen, Ghanaati.

PRF induces greater knee regeneration when compared to PRP.

Ongoing Pre-Clinical Research

Use of PRF produced via horizontal versus fixed angle on bone regeneration in a rat calvaria defect (Lead investigator = Dr. Michel Messora).

Use of PRF produced via horizontal centrifugation on furcation defect regeneration with/without antibiotics (Lead investigator = Dr. Victoria Lima).

Use of horizontal centrifugation versus fixed angle centrifugation for intrabony defect regeneration. An experiment study in beagle dogs (Lead investigator = Dr. Yoshinori Shirakata).

Use of PRF produced via horizontal centrifugation on furcation defect regneration with/without antibiotics. (Lead investigator = Dr. Victoria Lima).

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Use of PRF produced via horizontal centrifugation during femur defect regeneration with/without a bone grafting material (Lead investigator = Dr. Yufeng Zhang).

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Systematic Reviews

Systematic Review of PRF from 2017 by Miron and colleagues.

Systematic Review of PRF treatment on soft tissue wound healing.

The use of platelet rich fibrin to enhance to outcomes of implant therapy: A systematic review.

Systematic Review of osteonecrosis of the jaw treated with PRF.

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Systematic Review of PRF on gingival recessions in comparison to coronally advanced flap, connective tissue grafting, and enamel matrix derivative.

Systematic Review of PRF on intrabony and furcation defect regeneration in comparison to open flap debridement, bone grafting materials, and enamel matrix derivative.

Systematic Review of PRF for sinus grafting.

Systematic Review of PRF for extraction site management.

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Guided Bone Regeneration and Sinus Grafting with PRF

Miron and Pikos: Use of PRF for guided bone regeneration procedures.

Miron and Pikos: Use of PRF during sinus Grafting: What is the consensus?

Randomized Clinical Trial evaluating PRF with/without a bone grafting material (Lead investigator: Dr. Michel Messora).

Basics of PRF Therapy.

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Periodontal Regeneration with PRF

Periodontal Regeneration using PRF. A first histological case series in humans (Lead investigators: Dr. Anton Sculean and Dr. Raluca Cosgarea).

Randomized clinical study evaluating PRF during intrabony defect regeneration (Lead investigators: Dr. Anton Sculean and Dr. Raluca Cosgarea).

Use of PRF in combination with dentin grafting for large intrabony defect regeneration (Lead investigators: Dr. Søren Jepsen).

Randomized clinical study evaluating PRF with/without antibiotics during non-surgical periodontal therapy (Lead investigators: Dr. Richard Miron).

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Implant Dentistry and Oral Surgery with PRF

Use of PRF as a hemostatic agent favoring blood clotting in patients on anti-coagulant therapy (Lead investigator: Dr. Carlos Mourao).

Use of PRF for medication related ONJ (Lead investigator: Dr. Carlos Mourao).

3rd molar extraction healing with PRF: A split-mouth randomized study (Lead investigator: Dr. Senthil Selvan).

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) injections with PRF produced via horizontal centrifugations (Lead investigator: Dr. Benoit Schaller).

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Soft-Tissue Grafting Techniques Associated With Immediate Implant Placement (Lead investigator: Dr. Mark Bishara).

Extraction site management with bone grafts with/without PRF. A histogical evaluation (Lead investigator: Dr. Luigi Canullo).

Immediate implant placement with PRF and bio-electric stimulation. A pilot study (Lead investigator: Dr. Cameron Lee).

Use of PRF for soft tissue wound healing around implants. A histological evaluation (Lead investigator: Dr. Luigi Canullo).

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Bishara Soft Tissue Grafting

Facial Esthetics and Diabetic Wound Management

Use of PRF and extended-PRF (Alb-PRF) as a natural biological filler (Bio-Filler). (Lead investigator: Dr. Alireza Pannahpor).

Use of PRF produced via horizontal centrifugation on hair regeneration (Lead investigator: Dr. Cathrine Davies).

Use of horizontal centrifugation of PRF for hard to heal wounds (Lead investigator: Dr. Castro Pinto).

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